Whether they are extremely conservative parents who don’t believe in dating when you are a teen or are just worried about your feelings and safety, parents today may be overbearing when it comes to letting their children date freely. If you are one of those with strict or conservative parents, here are some tips that can help you know how to date without parents knowing.
There have been many new ways and new technology that could help you to keep you relationship hidden from your parents. These tips could help you get that lucky guy or girl at school.
Read until tip #3 because that’s our BEST and MOST FAVORITE tip we have to keep a relationship secret from parents.
Before you want to hide your relationship from your parents:
Always consider why your parents may not want you to date right now, or are particularly against the person you’re currently dating. Do they think you are too young? Do they think that boy or girl is not right for you?
Make sure that if you are considering dating in secret that you do not do it simply to rebel against your parents. As the saying goes, parents are always the ones who know best.
If after careful thought and approaching this matter with a matured perspective, you still think it will be right and worth it to date in secret without your parents knowing, then give the following tips a try.
Always be sure to have had that conversation with your parents first. Be sure to always take and consider their advice, though you should make the choice for yourself at the end.
How to date without parents knowing in 2019?
Tip #1: Hangout with your secret boyfriend or girlfriend together with friends
When it comes to dating without parents knowing, you can try to hangout with them with a group of friends. Not only does this keep you relatively safer (since you might not be able to alert your parents should you be in danger), but it will also help to divert the attention of your parents if you choose to hang out at your home.
They will simply think that you are hanging out with friends, when in reality, such a setting could be a safe space to help you get to know the boy or the girl you like better. If you are hanging out with him where your parents are supervising, be sure to act casual around him. Don’t be too obvious that you like a boy or girl in particular when you are with them.
Tip #2: Hiding the signs of the secret relationship
When keeping you girlfriend or boyfriend a secret from your parents, it is important to keep the obvious signs of being in a relationship hidden from your parents. If this is your first relationship, you might not particularly know about these signs that you should hide to continue dating without your parents knowing.
Some of the signs to keep hidden when dating without parents knowing:
You will have a sudden change in mood and will be noticeably much happier. You may be not be as dull and gloomy before (if you were).

Should your parents notice this behaviour and ask you about it, just brush it off casually with an excuse. You could tell them that school has been going well for you lately (make sure this is true) or that your you have been having a really good time with friends or making new ones.
You will spend more time on your phone because you are trying to talk to your partner as much as possible.
Try not to be on your phone too much, especially when you are obliged to be spending time with the family during mealtimes, for example. Other than that, though it is very tempting, try to communicate less over the phone whenever possible too. Spend your time fruitfully and wisely on your responsibilities or on building skills and passions. This way, you have more to talk about when you do meet them, and you can keep the relationship exciting for longer too.
You might be going out more frequently since you may now have to make time to go on dates .
When you have strict parents, it is best to tell them that you are going to hang out with a friend that your parents know and trust. Ensure they are able to vouch for you in case your parents asks for the details of the outing from them. Be sure you do not do this too frequently as well as they will start to see that you have been hanging out with this friend too much recently too.
Tip #3: Using a Second Phone Number app (Our Favorite!)
When you need to be in a relationship without your parents knowing, it could be a good idea to have a second phone number to communicate with that special someone, separate from the regular cell phone number you have.
An app like Phoner (click here for Phoner Android version) can help you keep your relationship a secret from your parents. With your messages in the app and separate from your regular inbox and messaging apps, it will reduce the chances of them finding the texts between your partner and yourself. This is especially useful if your parents regularly check your phone. Furthermore, you can switch off the notifications for the texts you receive with this number so that they don’t pop up like a regular notification on your lock screen for your parents to accidentally discover it.
We recommend the Phoner 2nd Phone Number app to communicate with a special someone when you are dating without your parents knowing. However, please be cautious to not talk with a complete stranger on the app, and that this person is not someone you met online. Your parents should know them at least as an acquaintance, or at the very least, you should tell a trusted friend about your boyfriend or girlfriend. This is to ensure your safety and security. Bear in mind that the online space can be extremely dangerous, even for adults.
You vs Dating in Secret
Though parents almost always know best, if you have evaluated and made the responsible decision that you want to date someone without your parents knowing at least for a while, you can practise some of these tips to help you keep a relationship secret from parents.
When it comes to learning how to be in a relationship without your parents knowing, second phone number apps like Phoner could help keep your messages private and undiscovered. Be sure that you are frugal with your spending on the app, especially if you are not earning money for your own. Your parents could find out about your purchases, and anyway, you shouldn’t be spending your parents’ money on something they do not know about.
In 2019, it has become easier to know how to date without parents knowing. Take these tips and let us know if it works to hide a relationship from parents or keeping a relationship secret from parents.